Dylan Israel

Staff Front End Engineer @ ClickUp | X-FAANG
8 Years of Front End Engineering, X-FAANG, and Top 1% Rated Mentor
United States of America 5.0 (63 reviews) Active this week Usually responds in a day or two

Interview Preparation

Some big interviews coming up? In this 1-hour session, a mentor with hiring experience will act as a technical interviewer and ask you some standard hiring questions that you might hear in one of your future interview too, and will evaluate your replies. As a …

$149 / 60 min

2 Hour Pair Programming Session

🚀 Embark on a coding adventure with our 2-hour pair programming session! 🤝💻 Join forces with a fellow coder to tackle challenges, share insights, and supercharge your coding skills. 🚀 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Collaborate in real-time, brainstorm ideas, and witness the magic of synergy as you work …

$400 / 120 min

Angular FE Project Review or Pairing Session (All Day / 8 hours)

Have an Angular project you want to be refactored, improved, updated, or just overall a second opinion on? By the end of this 8-hour session, we will have a pull request with tons of changes, to-do logs for you to circle back to, and various …

$1300 / 720 min

1-on-1 for an Hour

Whatever doesn't fit the mold: Get a full hour with a mentor to discuss your needs. Be it help with coding something, creating a software architecture, deciding on a strategy for your business or doing some pair work. If your issue truly doesn't fit the …

$225 / 60 min