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Jason Wang

Senior Software Engineer @ Anduril Industries
5+ years of early stage startup engineering and leadership
United States of America 5.0 (2 reviews) Active this month Usually responds in a few hours


$340 / month

Best suited for growth-minded startup engineers (or otherwise!) who seek more frequent guidance.

2 calls per month

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 24 hours or less

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I am not a classically trained computer scientist/programmer. Prior to tech, I worked in a hospital with the Traumatic Brain Injury team. My first line of code was 5 years ago and since then I've worked for three Seed/Series A level startups, co-founded two of my own, and currently work at a Series E company as a Senior Software Engineer.

Along the way I've learned a tremendous amount about rapid growth as an engineer, scaling systems, finding product market fit, what it means to be a good (and bad) leader, interviewing and screening top talent, and the nascent blockchain space.

What's my secret? First, find your inspiration. Second, surround yourself with the right people. I'm here to help you find inspiration and make better decisions on your path to success.

Let's learn and grow together!

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What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
1 month

Looking back, Jason's advice was crucial for me landing a job in the blockchain space for a defi startup as a front-end developer. He was happy to listen at every step of the interview process, and I changed my strategies significantly after every call with him. So invaluable. I look forward to working with him going forward as to navigate how to be a top performer in my new role :) Thanks Jason!



5 out of 5 stars


Jason is very knowledgeable and is eager to help

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