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Three Ways to Get Hired During COVID 19 in the Salesforce Ecosystem

Professionals and students who have lost their jobs are (understandably) experiencing a lot of uncertainty and panic when it comes to their employment prospects, especially for students who will be graduating during the coronavirus pandemic hit or people who have lost their job because of it, one thing is clear: Getting hired now isn’t going to be that easy.

Founder, Lipstick and Tech LLC

As unemployment has reached a record high due to business closures and social distancing measures brought by the new coronavirus but you can still snag a job or internship if you know how to adapt and get creative. People now have to think critically about the industry in which they intern.

Here are three valuable tips that will get you hired during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gain some new skills in Lockdown

Utilizing your time in quarantine to your advantage is a great way to get back in the game! A great start is through self-assessment exercises. People should complete a SWOT analysis, identifying personal strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats in the workplace at the moment. You must have a clear idea of which skills they need to improve to stand out.

Ultimately, recruiters will value what skills you can bring to the table. So, if you are having a difficult time finding a job – use the time to identify yourself and build new skills such as verbal and written communication and problem–solving skills are the skills you can build at home right now.

If your downtime is incredibly limited and finding the resources to search for a job is limited these days, use your time and update your resume and Linkedin profile. Additionally, this is one of the best times to leverage your network and prepare your list of references. The best reference would be someone who is personally connected to the firm you’re applying to, either work themselves or knows the hiring manager directly.

As a Salesforce administrator, I have found incredible value in my certification and intend on continuing my Salesforce journey by continuing my certifications and obtaining new technical skills using tools like Trailhead, Trailblazer communities for support and more (check out this resource page).

You’re in the right place to look for a job: LinkedIn!

Professionals are directly looking at company websites, but there are plenty of other places people can look for jobs. If you should focus on any site, LinkedIn should be your priority. However, check out Lipstick and Tech’s list of other sites that are excellent for job listings.

Some of the industries haven’t been hit as hard as the other ones by the pandemic like customer service, warehouse workers, package handlers, and especially the tech industry is still in demand, there is also an uptick in government-related positions to assist with the COVID-19 pandemic.

With all the unemployment claims and business closings, it’s easy to assume that no one is hiring but in every down-market, there is always some recruiter who is looking for candidates. look for large tech companies like Salesforce which has 2,200 vacancies opened for the skilled candidates, other industries such as health care, financial services, business software, and consulting services as well.

Linkedin is also a great platform to look for jobs, It is advised to create a profile even if you haven’t got much to put on it. This will mean that when recruiters search for your name online, your LinkedIn profile is what will appear first.

Be the unique candidate- obtain the “It” factor.

As you start to make any type of career plan, it is helpful to be more focused than flexible. The pandemic demonstrates how quickly even the best plans can change in no time. Use this as an opportunity to expand your thinking and consider the types of roles or industries you are applying to by not only strategizing your job search, but re-evaluating if certain opportunities will present an opportunity for leadership, experience and if possible, present financial and lifestyle opportunities.

“Those who can adapt and seek out possibilities, will thrive.”

If you were planning to get a job at a consulting firm, you might look to startups, nonprofits, and local companies that need help navigating this crisis. The key is to keep brainstorming and expand your thinking.

Don’t take anything off the table; reach out to your network for advice.

Get creative and think about past roles you’ve enjoyed, even any office sports activity or a social issue you care about might lead you in a new direction.

This article has been written brought to you by Lipstick and Tech LLC, a Salesforce career coaching, implementation and consulting boutique. For more information on coaching, visit https://lipstickandtech.com/sfdc-career-coaching/

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