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Experienced Software Developer adept in bringing forth expertise in design, installation, testing and maintenance of large scale software systems. My career of over 10 years as a software developer has accomplished an expertise in building distributed highly scalable systems serving millions of users across the world, including an emphasis on …

$110 / month
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I am a self-taught software engineer with a passion for creating innovative solutions and enhancing user experiences. In addition to my technical expertise, I am also a skilled documentation engineer who is committed to creating clear and concise technical documentation that empowers users. As a keynote speaker and event organizer, …

$180 / month
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I work at Facebook as a Production Engineer which is a hybrid role between a Software Engineer and an SRE and I work on the Linux Kernel. I have 10 years of experience building software solutions for a variety of companies in just as many languages. I value true deep …

$270 / month

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Prepare for your interview at Facebook

Interview Preparation

Offered by Stef Pi

As a seasoned product design lead, I've seen hundreds of resumes and CVs and am heavily involved in the interviewing process. Preparing for an interview takes hours and hours of … Read More

 Approx. 60 minutes  $149
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Interview Preparation

Offered by Momo Yakoub

As a software engineer with a decade of experience, I did have the opportunity to go through hundreds of interviews both as an interviewer as well as a candidate. That … Read More

 Approx. 60 minutes  $149
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Mock Technical Interview

Offered by Christopher Li

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 Approx. 60 minutes  $120
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Interview Preparation

Offered by Brittney Ball

Are you preparing for a job interview? Do you feel like you could use some help? If so, I'm here to offer my services! I am a mock interviewer, and … Read More

 Approx. 60 minutes  $149
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Further reading about getting hired at Facebook


What I've Learned About Facebook ads after spending more than $5M

Facebook ads are a great way to reach out to potential customers, but they can also be very costly if you don't know what you're doing. I've spent more than five million dollars on Facebook ads, most of it out of my own pocket. And I've learned a lot along the way. Here are 7 tips on how to run Facebook ads without breaking the bank.

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Practice with Facebook interview questions

Get the inside scoop on current Facebook interview questions. Prepare for your interview with a few select questions you might face.

How do you handle failure, and what do you learn from it?

I view failure as an integral part of growth and learning. It’s not something to be feared or avoided, but to be acknowledged, analyzed, and learned from.

If I encounter failure, my first step is to accept it rather than deny or dwell on it. This mindset allows me to assess what happened objectively and work out where things went wrong.

Next, I conduct a thorough post-analysis. I dig deep to understand why I failed, what factors contributed to the failure, and how could it have been avoided. Did I overlook something crucial during planning? Were there warning signs I ignored? Analyzing the failure helps me get concrete insights.

Finally, I focus on learning from the failure. This could mean improving my skills, adapting my strategies, or refining my approach based on the insights I've gained. What I learn from failure often forms the foundation for future success.

In essence, failure to me is a chance to learn, grow, and improve. Yes, it can be disappointing, but it’s an experience packed with valuable lessons. It's not about never failing, it's about never giving up when you do.

Please give an example of a complex problem you solved with your coding skills.

While working on a mobile application at my previous job, we ran into a performance issue where the app would become noticeably slow while fetching and displaying high-resolution images. This issue was especially prevalent for users with slow internet connections.

To solve this problem, I used my coding skills to implement a technique known as lazy loading. The basic idea was to only load and display images when they were needed, as opposed to loading all images at once. Additionally, I incorporated a lower resolution placeholder image to be displayed while the high-resolution image was loading. This provided immediate feedback to the user and greatly improved the perceived performance.

Another part of my solution was implementing an image caching system. This meant that once an image was loaded, it was stored locally on the device. Therefore, if the same image needed to be displayed again, it could be fetched from the local cache instead of downloading it again.

Overall, this complex problem required careful coding and a deep understanding of mobile application performance. The solution I implemented dramatically improved the app's performance, offering better user experience, especially for those on slower networks.

What is your process for coding and debugging?

My process for coding starts with a solid understanding of the task at hand and the desired outcome. I spend time thoroughly analyzing requirements and understanding the problem before writing any code.

When it comes to coding, I strive to write clear, concise, and self-documented code that not only addresses the task but is easy to read and understand by others. I follow good coding practices and conventions, like using meaningful variable and function names, adding necessary comments and keeping the code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

For debugging, I begin with a hypothesis based approach. If a piece of code isn't working as expected, I try to hypothesize why it might be happening based on the error messages or the behavior of the application.

Next, I use debugging tools that are usually integrated into the IDE or the run-time environment to run the code line by line, inspect variable values, and understand what's going wrong. Log files are often valuable resources during this process.

Lastly, I try to write tests before starting on code, following a Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach. It helps to catch bugs early in the development process, and ensures my code is doing what it's supposed to do.

On a concluding note, being patient, methodical, and maintaining attention to detail is key. It’s equally important to learn from your mistakes, so that they are not repeated in future.

How would you approach ensuring privacy and data security for Facebook users?

Ensuring privacy and data security in a platform like Facebook requires a multi-pronged approach. First and foremost, adhering to a privacy-by-design approach ensures that privacy considerations are a part of every feature and product we develop, right from inception.

The use of advanced encryption methods for data at rest and during transit would be a crucial part of the strategy. Techniques like hashing, salted hashes for passwords, and adherence to SSL/TLS protocols for data transmission will ensure the data is secure.

Implementing robust authentication and access-control mechanisms is another critical step. This could range from strong password policies to multi-factor authentication options to ensure only authorized individuals can access the data.

In addition, regular audits, penetration testing, and vulnerability scans should be an integral part of our security protocols. The sooner we can identify and address potential vulnerabilities, the better positioned we are to prevent breaches.

Lastly, it's essential to create a culture of privacy and security within the organization. This includes regular training and updates about best practices, threat awareness, and responses for all employees.

While technology plays a key role, protecting user privacy and data is a shared responsibility that involves good design, responsible practices, governance, and a user-focused approach.

Please describe a situation where you innovated to solve a technology problem.

In my previous role as a Software Engineer, we faced a challenge with the app login process. Users were struggling with the multi-factor authentication scheme we had implemented, and as a result, we experienced a drop in user retention rates. To solve this, it was essential to simplify the user experience without compromising security.

This issue prompted us to explore innovative solutions, and that's how we came across the concept of passwordless authentication. Instead of requiring users to enter a password and a secondary authentication factor, we could authenticate them based on something only they had - their mobile device.

We implemented this by sending a temporary, one-time link to the user's registered email address. By clicking the link, users could log in, effectively confirming they had access to the registered email - a simple but effective proof of identity.

The introduction of this feature greatly simplified our user login experience and significantly improved user retention rates. This innovative solution streamlined the user experience without compromising security, proving to be a win-win for our team and our users.

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  • "Naz is an amazing person and a wonderful mentor. She is supportive and knowledgeable with extensive practical experience. Having been a manager at Netflix, she also knows a ton about working with teams at scale. Highly recommended."

  • "Brandon has been supporting me with a software engineering job hunt and has provided amazing value with his industry knowledge, tips unique to my situation and support as I prepared for my interviews and applications."

  • "Sandrina helped me improve as an engineer. Looking back, I took a huge step, beyond my expectations."